
個人向け出張レストラン・出張料理 "マイシェフクイック" の社長のブログです

生成AI 自分用のメモ


・stable difutionオープンソースDreamStudioは安くて良い

・2次元女性キャラはstable difution web UIでLoRAが良いが、環境構築とか清水に困難




・このURL内にあった具体例:an attractive young female cyborg, highly detailed oil painting, impasto brush strokes, soft light, 8 k, cyberpunk colour palette, dramatic composition, dramatic lighting, sharp focus, concept art, masterpiece, by adrian ghenie and jenny saville and zhang jingna

a painting of cinnamonshadow trending on artstation in the style of greg rutkowski, wlop, oil on canvas, masculine, beautiful, portrait, dark skin, male, dreadlocks, dj, cool, youthful, sensual

beautiful! mage woman portrait, challenging, 3 0 years, japanese anime style, golden tears, dark strands, digital painting part by wlop and mucha, unreal engine, 8 k, artstation, deviantart, f 1. 4, smooth, cinematic light, duotone orange blue tones, dawn volumetric light

concept art of translucent glowing, renaissance, flowy, melting, round moons, rich clouds, very detailed, volumetric light, mist, fine art, textured oil over canvas, epic fantasy art, very colorful, ornate intricate scales, skulls, fractal ge

landscape taken by Caanon EOS 5D Mark4 and SIGMA Art Lens 35mm F1.4 DG HSM, F1.4, ISO 200 Shutter Speed 2000










